Friday, July 22, 2011

Let's Talk Today

  I wonder if perhaps I should save this post until September, when everyone will be thinking more about this. But with the attacks on Oslo and Utoya, I believe the time is now, and we should talk today. 
  I'm seventeen. When the airplanes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, I was seven. I was sitting at home in front of the television when my program was interrupted and they showed the footage of the smoking Towers. 
  I believe I turned to my mother and asked her what was wrong, and why was that building on fire. She explained that someone had flew a plane into it to make it flame. I wondered whether anyone had been hurt, but I knew from the smoke that it would be really hard to breath in there. I hoped everyone could get down the stairs. 
  A second after, the anchorman (or woman, not sure) came on and said that a warning had been issued for Toronto's CN tower, and Canadians should be on high alert. That scared me, even though we were living in Saskachewan at the time, but it was the thought that anyone would come into Canada and try to hurt people like that freaked me out. 
  In 2001, those shots of the Towers and subsequent footage lead me to live with a feeling of dread, it made me fearful. A fear for the ones I love, for my world and the future. Now, though, I'm not afraid. I'm pissed. 
  Today, an attack was made on a building in Oslo, Norway, causing seven known deaths and multiple injuries. But what's even worse (if you can believe it) is that at the same time, a man dressed as a police officer opened fire on a youth summer camp, a camp with 700 occupants and kids as young as 15. They ran to the beach, swam off the island and up trees and needed help. "One party youth member tweeted: "We are sitting down by the beach. A man is shooting clothed in a police uniform. Help us! When are the police coming to help us!"" ( 30 are suspected to be injured or dead, but at this time, the numbers aren't solid. And this, my friends, is bullshit. 
  I am tired of being afraid. I am tired of hearing on the news that another Canadian/British/American/Swedish/etc solider has died in Afghanistan/Iraq and everywhere else troops are stationed. I'm sick and fucking tired of terrorists. You are not better because of your religion, or your skin tone or the fact that you believe you are following some ancient text to a T. Because buddy, we all make mistakes and your mistake was thinking you had the right to kill others, harm others or try to diminish them in any way. Because of that, you are less than anyone else, even that cranky bitch who cuts in front of people at Macdonalds, then orders the whole goddamn menu. You terrorist/terrorist group are a piece of shit. 
   I may not be that old, but I know my history (at least the good parts), and frankly extremists Muslims, you are just copycats, because, as I recall, the Christians, Romans, and every other powerful religion in the history of the world has done what you have done, and guess what? They ALWAYS fell. Even Christanity, the "Superpower of the Universe" (what I call it in my head, but with a snarky, sarcastic tone) are slowly losing steam, especially with the no-condom-even-if-you-have-an-STD and the raping little boys bits. Those are incredibly popular. NO really. Islam, why can't you just be happy being one of the Big 3, instead of trying to kill all the "infidels" and convert everyone to believe in a someone that they might not click with. <This is probably the nicest way I can say this, "click with". It doesn't clash with anyone, leave me be> Muhammad may be a cool guy, but John Lennon had some good moments as did Bob Marley and Gandhi. Doesn't mean they went round blowing shit up. 
 You wanna rule the world, psychotic, schizophrenic asshats? Too fucking bad. There are others here, that are most likely tired of your highhanded, dumbass moves and are just waiting for the right moment to squish you like a fucking bug. I hope it happens soon too, because you're starting to get some confidence. 
  What I truly believe, is that these terrorists and assholes don't really give a flying fuck about where they get their orders from. They just want to play out their sick, horrendous little fantasies, just like serial killers. That what terrorists are. Serial killers with a Qua'ran or Bible egging them on. Stupid, fucked up never-been-willingly-fucked crazy bags-of-camel-&-rhinoceros shit.  
  So, that's the end of my rant about terrorist attacks and extremists religious freaks who don't know to just go home, throw some darts, smoke some marijuana and eat Cheetos instead of killing children. 
  But just so you know, I don't hate all Muslims. Far from it. I just don't agree with anyone who thinks they're always right, including some Muslims, some Christians and my parents. Believing I should be raped if I show my bare arms turns me off also, just so you know. 

  Aside, who else gets Twin Towers of the WTC and the Two Towers of LOTR mixed up? I always have to pause before talking about either because in my head I'm like, "Twin or Two? Oh, fuck". I couldn't include that in the rant because a funny makes a rant not so serious. But, I can leave it in the end for you chuckle at. Or swear and say "What a disrespectful little shit, I'm never reading this blog again." Oh, damn. There's you, thinking that I give a damn. 
  Edited to add: I actually had to google the 9/11 attacks because I did fuck up Twin and Two. Such an idiot. 

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