Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So, NaNoWriMo is kicking my ass. It's seven days in and I've writen a little over 5,000 words. The website says I'll be done ine late December. Fuck you NaNoWriMo website! You don't know how well I scramble and finish shit when it comes to the deadline. I see myself at 6:30 on November 30th typing like a coffee fuelled mad woman, which I will be. In fact, I think I'll go write right now. And don't read that last sentence out loud. It'd make your head hurt.

1 comment:

  1. So? Did you finish? I tried the NaNoWriMo and announced to my rotten kids that I was doing it and I was pounding the hell out of this keyboard and then all of a sudden they all decided to get sick and be at home from school and fight next to me while I was on the computer. Jerks. I lasted 12 days. There's always next year.
